Dr. Tauro received a promotion in November, 2020, elevating him from Clinical Assistant Professor to full Clinical Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark.
The appointment as Clinical Professor is the culmination of 32 years of teaching at the medical school, starting as a clinical instructor in 1988 and receiving a series of promotions over the years.
The promotion to Clinical Professor was merit-based, taking into consideration Dr. Tauro’s long standing commitment to teaching at Rutgers, a large volume of published peer reviewed research, his international standing as a teacher of orthopedic surgery, and chairmanship of the national Orthopedic Learning Center for the Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA) in Chicago.
Dr. Tauro’s teaching assignment for Rutgers is at the East Orange Veteran’s Administration Hospital where he supervises a team of orthopedic resident surgeons. All patients at the VA center are veterans who have been discharged from active duty, with many suffering from post-battlefield injuries.
Dr. Tauro teaches the residents how to evaluate, diagnose, and determine the best course of treatment for the patients, both operative and non-operative. He spends one full day a week in the VA operating room supervising and teaching surgical skills, and one morning weekly giving lectures. The residents learn not only the latest surgical techniques, but also the best traditional ones.
Over 200 residents have been taught by Dr. Tauro, and many have been accepted into advanced fellowship training, academia, and are practicing orthopedic surgeons in New Jersey. His teaching and the success of the Rutgers orthopedic residents have elevated the NJ program to a high standing.
Over 200 residents have been taught by Dr. Tauro, and many have been accepted into advanced fellowship training, academia, and are practicing orthopedic surgeons in New Jersey. His teaching and the success of the Rutgers orthopedic residents have elevated the NJ program to a high standing.